100 Run Commands Every Windows User Should Know

Written by Anup Thapa

Last Updated:

Did you know you can view detailed system specs by entering msinfo32 into the search bar? Windows supports hundreds of useful Run commands like this.

For instance, if your PC feels slow, you’ll want to uninstall some programs and run the Disk Cleanup Wizard. Or you may want to periodically update your Device Drivers. Or maybe you need to access a page nested deep in the Control Panel.

There’s a run command for these and most other Windows tasks.

I’ve listed the 100 most useful ones to help you level up your productivity.

Even if you’re a Windows veteran, I’m confident you’ll pick up a few new ones from this guide.

I’ve also created a printable PDF cheatsheet if you’d like one for offline use.

Don’t Skip These Basics

Press Windows + R to launch the Run dialog box. Or, press Win + X and select the Run option there.

Then, enter the commands in the Run prompt to try them out.

For most commands, entering them directly into the search box works too.

If you’re not sure where to start, try out my top 15 most used run commands:

msinfo32Open the System Information applet
ncpa.cplOpen the Network Connections page
cmdLaunch Command Prompt
powershellLaunch PowerShell
msconfigLaunch the System Config utility
appwiz.cplOpen the Programs and Features page
devmgmt.mscLaunch the Device Manager utility
diskmgmt.mscLaunch the Disk Management utility
sysdm.cplConfigure System Properties
controlLaunch the Control Panel
services.mscLaunch the Services Management Console
regeditLaunch the Registry Editor
notepadLaunch Notepad
oskBring up the On-Screen Keyboard
%temp%Access the temp folder in the File Explorer

Run as Admin: After typing the command, you can press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to execute it with admin privileges. This is useful for launching programs like cmd or MS Word as an administrator.

Get System Info

Have you ever needed to find your motherboard model? Or the BIOS version? Or any other PC spec really? These are the run commands to use in such situations:

msinfo32Open System Info
dxdiagOpen the DirectX Diagnostic tool
winverDisplay the full Windows build and version

When my laptop starts lagging, I use the Task Manager to check if any program is hogging the CPU/RAM.

Monitoring the GPU temperature has also helped me fix crashes on more than one occasion.

Use these commands to monitor your system in real-time or to record data:

taskmgrOpen the Task Manager
perfmonOpen the Performance Monitor
resmonOpen the Resource Monitor

Open Locations in File Explorer

Want to check if temp files are piling up? Or maybe you want to get to the C:\Windows directory quickly. For such needs, use the following run commands:

.Open the user’s home folder
..Open the C:\Users folder
%temp%Open the Temp folder
%appdata%Open the AppData\Roaming folder
%programdata%Open the ProgramData folder
%systemdrive%Open the drive where Windows is installed (C: by default)
%windir%Open the Windows folder
%programfiles%Open the ProgramFiles folder
%userprofile%Open the User profile folder
shell:personalOpen the Documents folder
shell:downloadsOpen the Downloads folder
shell:historyOpen the Recent items page
shell:systemOpen the System32 folder

Open any Drive: Enter C: at the Run prompt to open the C: drive in Windows Explorer. Similarly, you can access any other partition by using another drive letter (D:, E:, F:, etc).

Launch Windows Apps

Use these run commands to quickly launch built-in apps like MS Paint or the calculator:

cmdOpen a Command Prompt window
powershellOpen a PowerShell window
calcLaunch the calculator
explorerLaunch the File Explorer
mspaintLaunch Microsoft Paint
notepadLaunch Notepad
wordpadLaunch WordPad

Has your desktop crashed: Normally, the Win + E keyboard shortcut is a better way to open the File Explorer. But it may not work if your desktop has crashed. In that case, the explorer run command can launch a new explorer instance.

Launch Third-Party Programs

Most people don’t know this, but you can also use run commands to efficiently open third-party apps. Here are the ones I normally use:

winwordLaunch Microsoft Word
winword /safeLaunch MS Word in safe mode
excelLaunch MS Excel
chromeLaunch Google Chrome
firefoxLaunch Mozilla Firefox
operaLaunch the Opera browser
acrobatLaunch Adobe Acrobat
photoshopLaunch Adobe Photoshop

Navigate the Control Panel

A lot of important pages in the Control Panel are nested quite deep. For instance, you may need to uninstall programs or change sound/network settings often.

To access them more easily, use the following run commands:

controlOpen the Control Panel
control admintoolsOpen the Windows Admin Tools page
appwiz.cplOpen the Programs and Features page
mmsys.cplConfigure Sound Device settings
desk.cplConfigure Display settings
control mouseConfigure Mouse settings
control keyboardConfigure Keyboard settings
control printersOpen the Bluetooth & Devices page (which includes Printer settings)
joy.cplConfigure installed Game Controllers
timedate.cplConfigure Date and Time settings
control foldersConfigure File Explorer settings
computerdefaultsConfigure Default Apps
wscui.cplConfigure Security and Maintenance settings
powercfg.cplConfigure Power Options
control access.cplConfigure Ease of Access settings
utilmanConfigure Accessibility settings
sdcltSet up Windows Backup
filehistoryConfigure File History for backups
control.exe /name microsoft.troubleshootingAccess the built-in troubleshooters

Access System Management Tools

Don’t you just love updating drivers, managing partitions, and maintaining your system with disk cleanup? Yeah, me neither.

At least these run commands will make these tasks easier to complete:

diskmgmt.mscOpen the Disk Management console
devmgmt.mscOpen the Device Manager console
diskpartLaunch the DiskPart utility
services.mscManage Windows services (run, stop, change startup behavior)
regeditOpen the Registry editor
lusrmgr.mscManage users and groups (accounts and passwords)
netplwizAlternative way to manage user accounts
control.exe /name Microsoft.UserAccountsChange account settings for the logged-in user
sysdm.cplConfigure System Properties
systempropertiesperformanceDirectly open the Performance options page
tpm.mscView and manage the TPM status
compmgmt.mscOpen the Computer management console
taskschd.mscOpen the Task Scheduler
eventvwr.mscOpen the Event Viewer
gpedit.mscManage group policy settings
secpol.mscManage security policy settings
dfrguiOptimize disks via defragmentation
cleanmgrOpen the Disk Cleanup wizard.
optionalfeaturesTurn optional Windows features on or off (Hyper-V for virtualization, Windows Subsystem for Linux, etc)
rstruiUse System Restore to roll back your PC
systemresetAccess the Windows Reset feature

Troubleshooting Tip: I often use the Memory Diagnostic tool (mdsched) and Driver Verifier tool (verifier) to troubleshoot memory and driver errors. If you ever encounter startup or crashing problems on your PC, give these run commands a shot.

Change Display Settings

After installing Windows, there are a few default settings I always change. Display settings make up the majority of these changes as visuals play a big part in personalization.

desk.cplConfigure display settings like the resolution and refresh rate
control colorConfigure the background, theme, lock screen, and similar options
colorcplManage color profiles for your monitors
cttuneImprove readability with Clear Type Text Tuner

My Favorites: Network Commands

As someone who frequently troubleshoots network issues, I may be biased here. But I feel that network commands are the most helpful type of run commands.

ncpa.cplOpen the Network Connections page
mstscLaunch the Remote desktop connection wizard
firewall.cplChange Windows Defender firewall settings
wf.mscChange advanced firewall settings

The first two rank among my personal favorites.

ncpa.cpl is extremely versatile. It lets you check and diagnose the network status, enable/disable network adapters, change the IP address and DNS server, and much more. Definitely add it to your repertoire!

As for mstsc, I regularly use it to remotely access my main PC from different locations in our office. Whether I’m testing new builds in our lab or using my laptop in the common area, I can log in to my main PC easily. I’m sure it’ll serve you well too.

Looking for More?

Interested in some obscure run commands that will make you look like a pro? I’ve got you covered.

fontsView installed fonts and manage font settings
fsquirtLaunch the Bluetooth File Transfer wizard
psrLaunch the Steps Recorder
charmapAccess all characters in the Character Map
eudceditCreate custom characters and fonts
credwizBackup or restore credentials
intl.cplManage date and time formats
narratorCustomize narrator (screen reader) settings
useraccountcontrolsettingsSet the UAC notification level
devicepairingwizardAdd a printer or device to your PC
magnifyLaunch the Magnify tool
snippingtoolLaunch the snipping tool (screenshots)
logoffSign out of your account (the logoff will begin as soon as you press enter)
shutdown /rRestart your PC
shutdown /s /t 00Power off your PC immediately

Note that for some run commands like explorer, taskmgr, magnify, snippingtool, etc., keyboard shortcuts are a better alternative.

Instead of opening Run and typing out an entire command, simply pressing Win + E or Ctrl + Shift + Esc is much easier/faster.

To learn more about such combos, check out our list of the 100 most useful keyboard shortcuts.

I hope you found this list helpful. If you have any other useful run commands to share, do let us know in the comments!



What does the Windows R prefetch do? What does control C delete take off? Thanks for your help.

Anup Thapa

Hi Sherry, Windows + R opens the Run dialog box. This is a Windows applet where you can enter run commands from the guide above to easily perform various tasks (like launching web browsers, opening Control Panel pages, accessing Windows tools, etc). As for Control C Delete, that doesn't do anything.

Wayne Lamm

One shortcut I use all the time that you didn't list is; the mouse scroll wheel button to open a new web address in a new tab.

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Anup Thapa • Windows & Hardware Specialist

Anup is a PC geek who has lived and breathed PCs for the last 15 years. His writing is fueled by his passion for all things tech, and shaped by his diverse professional background that spans multiple disciplines.

At PCTips.com, he contributes actionable tips and nuggets based on his past experiences and in-depth testing/experimentation. He aspires to make tech more accessible to the layman by helping his readers tackle any and all sorts of tech challenges.